5 Tips for a Pain-Free Workstation

Change your position… If you can, switch between sitting and standing as well as taking frequent breaks to get up and do a few stretches, especially those that put you in the opposite position (i.e. extension) as the one you have been stuck in (i.e....

How to Rewire Your Brain

Did You Know…? The intentional and proper practice of gratitude increases the release of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine? All 3 of these are neurotransmitters that play an influential role in regulating/balancing mood. The release of dopamine through a...

The Role of the Achilles Tendon

Did You Know…? The Achilles tendon is the most common site of overuse injury in the lower extremity and is the MOST frequently ruptured tendon in the body?? This is primarily due to its limited blood supply and the high tensions that are placed on it. It’s...

Mobility & Stability

Examples of MOBILE JOINTS: ➡ Hips ➡ T-Spine ➡ Neck ➡ Shoulder ➡ Wrist ➡ Ankle Examples of STABLE JOINTS: ➡ Foot ➡ Knee ➡ Low Back ➡ Elbow ➡ Scapula